I first heard of Nemphasis Pedals in the summer of 2016 when i tested a few of them out in my guitar shop 'Vision Guitars'. I instantly fell in love with the sound of these amazing pedals, especially the White Scream Overdrive pedal and the Liquid Mind Chorus pedal.
When i got the job with Wishbone Ash and i needed to put a pedalboard together to work with clean Fender valve amplifiers, I knew i had to have a White Scream Overdrive on there to get the overdriven sounds of the early Wishbone Ash recordings. . If you have ever listened to the Argus album by Wishbone Ash just think of the intro to 'Warrior'. with this pedal and a strat its instantly there!
I also have the Nemphasis Z-Pro Buffer tucked away under my pedalboard, this amazing little box helps to keep my guitar signal strong all the way from my guitar, through the pedalboard and back to my amps.

Check out the Nemphasis website www.nemphasis.com